Using Excel Spreadsheets to Support Evidence-based Practice
A quality management system (QMS) is concerned with the structures and processes needed to ensure uniformity and standardisation to maximise efficiency; minimise exposure to risk; monitor client requirements and satisfaction levels; ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements; and provide a structural framework from which performance can be evaluated and continuously improved. In its application, a QMS needs to facilitate evidence-based practice. One format to achieve this is through use of Excel spread sheets. For service providers who are unfamiliar with the Excel program, the BRandA Resource Package includes a detailed, illustrated Instruction Guide, together with 20 Excel Registers that have already been formatted for ease of use.
A quality management system does not operate in isolation. It provides the structural framework for achieving stated quality objectives through integrated systems for quality planning, quality control and quality improvement that operate in a continuing cycle. There is an essential synergy in these three core principles, which has been designed into the structure and purpose of BRandA’s Excel Registers.
As planning tools, they record what the organisation plans to do, and through the Document Control and Records Control Registers, how that information is shared across the organisation. As tools for quality monitoring and control, they provide evidence of ongoing systems review in implementing policy directives. The Registers offer a record system for performance monitoring and reporting of compliance with regulations, staff licensing obligations, mandatory staff training, complaints trend analysis, preventive maintenance, contracts for control of outsourced products, preferred suppliers, clients’ care plan reviews, and document and records control. The Registers have been configured to automatically flag any due dates for compliance monitoring, the month prior to the required activity. These controls also enable providers to identify non-conforming processes promptly, so that corrective action can be planned and implemented to minimise risk. Where monitoring and control processes identify non-conformance issues, the Continuous Improvement Register demonstrates the improvement actions taken.
Service providers who feel they already have well-developed policies and procedures in place, have still benefited from purchasing the complete BRandA Resource Package and using it as a reference tool when reviewing their QMS system against the Community Care Common Standards . If you are simply seeking to strengthen your records for evidence-based practice consider purchasing the QMS Registers Instruction Guide separately. Included in the purchase will be 20 Excel Registers, formatted for immediate use.
Follow the links to the complete BRandA Resource Package and QMS Registers Instruction Guide
to order your copies.